Sunday, November 22, 2015

Integrating Social Studies and the Arts

This week 1S had an opportunity to gather with other first graders for a special presentation about Native American stories and traditions.  This presentation was led by Diane Moran, of Arts Partners. Arts Partners is a unique program that joins fine arts resources of the St. Louis Community with our school. When we gathered, we immediately felt like we were a part of a Native American celebration.

Click on the video to view how our gathering began.

We were immediately engaged and interested.  Students were shown authentic Native American dress and participated in a special dance and song.

Some students demonstrated a Native American game that required some concentration and skill.  

We are fortunate that our first graders have the opportunity to participate in these wonderful Arts Partners activities.  

1 comment:

  1. Great videos! What is that animal--is that a huge skink?? ;)
