Sunday, August 21, 2016

First Week 2016-2017

First Grade is in full swing!  The new classmates in 1S spent some time getting to know each other. 

Students shared something about themselves, and while doing that we weaved a class web. This web symbolized that we are all an important member of our class.  We help each other, we hold each other up, and we work together.  If one of us lets go, the web falls apart.  Together we keep the web strong and in tact.  We will use this web in future class meetings to help us remember to try our best and keep our connections and relationships strong. 

We worked with partners to explore materials in our classroom and practice classroom procedures. 

Students also worked to increase their reading stamina for our independent reading time during Reader's Workshop.  

Students learned the expectations for Reading with a Partner during Reader's Workshop as well. Their reading partnerships were impressive! 

New friendships and connections were forming this week!  It will be exciting to see our learning progress in the upcoming weeks.  Strong relationships enhance our learning.

Welcome, 1S students!  Here's to a great year!