Monday, September 12, 2016

Readers' Workshop & Literacy Stations

In our first Unit of Study, students build good reading habits. These habits include taking a sneak peek before reading, smoothing out our voices when reading, scooping up words in phrases, and using many strategies to figure out hard words.
 Along with practicing their reading strategies independently and with a partner, students are able to practice other areas of literacy like word study, writing, and listening to reading.
We will continue to add more rigor to our literacy stations as the year progresses.

Students really enjoy this time of our day.  It's our time to build our reading repertoire and enjoy literacy.  

A Writer's Inspiration: Ideas for Personal Narrative Writing

A personal narrative tells the true story of something that happened to you. In order to write great personal narrative stories, students need IDEAS.  To gather our ideas, we created a writer's inspiration collage.  Students brought in photos or drawings that helped ignite their memories of events that happened in their lives.

Students worked to create a personal collage to keep in their writing folder.  This collage can be pulled out whenever a student begins to brainstorm an idea for a new story seed. 

We learned that great personal narrative stories zoom in on those important moments-- that's why we call them seeds.  Rather than broad topics, we zoom in on one event and really try to capture the details. 

We also get writing ideas from reading books.

Students are able to share their personal narratives with the class in our Author's Chair.  Author's Chair often inspires even more seed ideas!