Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Giving Assembly

Old Bonhomme had their annual giving assembly today.  

Our Giving Assembly has been an on-going tradition before Thanksgiving holiday at O.B. for 37 years.

Students and families donated more than 3,000 cans of food, toys, diapers, and many other supplies to families in need.

Fourth grade students help to load the trucks after the assembly.  It is so wonderful to see our giving in action.  It is one of the best traditions we have.  Thank you, Old Bonhomme families!

Earth Woman: Native American Storyteller

Earth Woman, Native American Storyteller, Diane Moran came to visit First Grade today.

She taught students about the Native Americans of the Plains and other regions. 

Students were able to see real clothing and artifacts from the Plains region. 

Students enjoyed a Native American story about how the possum lost its beautiful tail.  We learned that Native American stories teach lessons.  In the story of the possum, the people learned not to brag about their great beauty or talents.  The students really enjoyed this visit.  It was made possible through our schools' partnership with Springboard and Arts Partners.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

1S students are learning about 2D and 3D shapes. 
Students began by reviewing 2D shapes and their properties. 

Students classified attribute block shapes based on color, shape, size, and other properties. 

Students explored 2D shapes and how they combine to create new shapes.  Then, they moved on to reviewing the names and properties of 3D shapes.

After reviewing 3D shape names and properties, students practiced combining shapes to create new shapes. 

Students will continue this exciting unit with shapes. They will also be learning about equal shares within shapes and making patterns with 2D and 3D shapes. 

Science with Magnets

 1S students completed some hands-on experiments with magnets.  

Students were able to practice the scientific method by making predictions prior to performing the experiment with a partner.  We introduced the term hypothesis.  

Students used their background knowledge that we learned about magnets to make their hypothesis about each object that was going to be tested.

Students really enjoyed completing the experiments and making scientific connections.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

1st Grade Fall Party

Here are a few highlights from our Fall Party! Thank you to our head room parents and all of the first grade helpers who came to help.  It was a fun, successful party!

 1st Grade Fall Party
click to view