Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Magic Show Winter Party

We were so fortunate to have a Magic Show Winter Party!  It was a blast!  Click to see highlights of this amazing party.  We really appreciate the room parents that organized this fun event for us.

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Nonfiction Author's Celebration

 We had a lot to celebrate for our Nonfiction Author's Celebration!  We worked very hard during this unit.

We learned a great deal about Nonfiction Text features like photographs, close-ups, table of contents, captions, headings, and glossaries.  Students tried to include some of these features in their nonfiction writing.

 Students enjoyed sharing their writing throughout the unit in our special author's chair.  During the final culmination, students gathered around in small groups while eating their snack and shared.  It was a great way to end the unit together.  Students were able to see close up how other authors wrote.

 Students taught others through their writing.  We learned about topics like... orcas, chess, friendship, indoor soccer, basketball, hair styles, Paper,io, and Hannukah.  It was an informative unit that we enjoyed.

Experimenting with Magnets

We learned about the force of magnetism during Science.

We completed a few experiments with magnets and learned about attract and repel.  We learned the types of things that magnets are attracted to and tried many objects around the classroom.  We also tried several types of metals from our science kit and learned that magnets are attracted to iron, nickel and cobalt.  

 Students tried different kinds of magnets in a "fishing" experiment to see how many paper clips a magnet could collect.
The students love science and conducting experiments.  
We always look forward to science time in the classroom.