Thursday, May 19, 2016

Farewell First Graders

It has been a wonderful year!  Have a great summer, 1S! 

If you can't see the video, please click here:

The Fruits of our Labor

The time had come... the pea pods appeared on our pea plants!  

It was a very exciting time.  Students really enjoyed opening the pea pods and finding the little peas inside.  

Students also picked the radishes that we planted a couple of months ago.


We've really enjoyed coming to the garden during our science unit this year.  Thanks again to Mrs. Hellman for helping make it possible for us.

Sound Garden

Students gathered for an Arts Integration-SOAR celebration recently.  Mrs. Roth called it, "a day of building, playing , creating, moving, dancing, designing, decorating, and being together!"

A big portion of our day was spent creating a Sound Garden for our playground.  The students were able to get messy and creative while painting the homemade instruments they brought from home. 

 The Sound Garden will be enjoyed by all of the O.B. community.  Way to, Eagles!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Integrating Technology

Students in 1S used the word cloud program called Tagxedo recently that was integrated with a writing project that we had in class. Students first created a poem using vivid adjectives and verbs to describe an animal of their choice.  Then, students used the Tagxedo program to enhance their poem visually.  See their creations:

Want to try and create your own Tagxedo image?  Click here: