Monday, September 25, 2017

Dance-A-Thon Success

The Dance-A-Thon was a huge success.  
We surpassed our school goal!  Here are some photos and videos highlighting our P.E. performances. Our P.E. coaches were amazing at getting the first graders moving and grooving!

100% participation from 1S families--That is AWESOME!  

Thank you for supporting our school and classroom!

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Last year, several pieces of technology for our first grade classroom were purchased with funds earned by the O.B. Dance-A-thon.

This year the Dance-A-Thon returns in hopes of earning more funds to make technology one-to-one for our first grade classrooms. 

Students can access these devices to improve their achievement in literacy, mathematics, and other content areas.

Please consider making a donation to our O.B. Dance-A-Thon. You can also ask family members to contribute as well. The Dance-A-Thon is so much fun, and it's for a great cause-- our 1st graders! Here is the link to donate.  Thank you for considering!

Partner Work During Math and Literacy Instruction

Working with a partner involves cooperative learning which goes hand-in-hand with social and emotional learning.

When working with partners, students must become more self aware, recognize feelings, and understand strengths and weaknesses.

Students improve relationship skills by working to maintain positive relationships with others. Students also practice responsible decision making by making choices that positively impact or contribute to the partnership or common goal.  

When working with a partner, there is usually an increased engagement and students become more actively involved in the learning process.

Mixing up the structure between independent, whole group, and partner activities in the classroom keeps things interesting.  It also allows the learner to experience learning in different ways-- in order to enhance instructional effectiveness and increase achievement.